Most people with chickenpox get better without any treatment. However, treatments are available to help relieve your symptoms. You may find crotamiton cream or lotion helps to soothe itching. It's suitable for children over 3. Calamine lotion, which is the traditional alternative, isn't as effective. Some people take antihistamine tablets to help reduce the itchiness, but there is little evidence to suggest that this helps. Some antihistamines can make you very drowsy, so may help you sleep and therefore stop you scratching at night. The sedating antihistamine chlorphenamine is suitable for itching in chickenpox for children over 1. Painkillers, e. g paracetamol and ibuprofen, may ease your discomfort if your skin is painful, and will help lower a fever and relieve a sore throat.

Attribution: BUPA

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