Your Health, Illustrated
- Diarrhea
Causes of Diarrhoea
Symptoms of Diarrhoea
Effects of Diarrhoea
Treatment of Diarrhoea
Prevention of Diarrhoea
- Malaria
What is Malaria?
Transmission of Malaria
Symptoms of Malaria
Treatment of Malaria
Prevention of Malaria
- Pregnancy
Signs of Pregnancy
Staying Healthy when pregnant
Danger Signs of Pregnancy
Minor Problems of Pregnancy
- CPR - Child
CPR Child (airway,breathing and curculation)
- Choking
Back blows
Chest thrusts
Abdominal thrusts
CPR - Airway and breathing
CPR(infant) - Circulation
CPR(child) - Circulation
- Breastfeeding