Complementary feeding - Amounts

By the age of 9 months, your baby should be eating a variety of family foods. Introduce one food at a time, 1 or 2 teaspoons twice a day is enough. Do not be discouraged by the spitting up; babies spit up a lot as they learn how to eat. Continue to breastfeed on demand. Gradually increase the number of meals to about 2-3 per day by the age of 6-8 months, and to about 3-4 by the age of 9-23 months, plus 1-2 snacks in between. Increase the amounts of food given at mealtimes and give as much as the child will eat with active encouragement. If you have any concerns about your baby's feeding habits, take them to the nearest health facility for a nutritional assessment by a health care provider.

Attribution: Avallain

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