"1. Stay Safe.
2. If you are not related to the baby or do not know the baby, exercise safety precautions.
3. Quickly Assess the Infant
a) If the baby can't cough or cry, then he or she is probably choking.
Asign someone to call for help, if no one is availabe try to help the baby for like 2 minutes before stopping to call for help yourself.
If you think the baby is having an allergic reaction rather than choking on something, call for help immediately.
b) If the baby is able to cough or cry, then he or she is able to breathe. Call for help and watch the baby closely. If the baby suddenly stops coughing or crying and can't seem to breathe:-
4. Lay the baby face-down on your arm. Hold the baby's head with your hand to keep his or her neck straight. The baby's legs should be straddling your arm near the elbow.
5. Lean the baby down at an angle. The infant's head should be lower than his or her waist.
6. With the heel of your other hand, strike the baby between the shoulder blades 5 times.
7. If the object is not expelled, roll the baby from one arm to the other so that he or she is now laying face up. Keep the head cradled in your hand and the legs straddling your arm.
8. Hold the baby at an angle with his or her head low and give 5 chest thrusts. Use two fingers on the breast bone right between the nipples. Push down about an inch 5 times.
9. Look in the Baby's Mouth -If you see something in the baby's mouth, pull it out. Otherwise, keep your fingers out of the baby's mouth and repeat back blows and chest thrusts. Keep doing it until the baby coughs up the object.
10. If the baby becomes unconscious, place baby on a flat surface begin infant CPR.
After 2 minutes of trying to dislodge the object, call for help and keep trying.".
Attribution: Avallain