Diverticular disease is difficult to diagnose because the symptoms resemble those of conditions such as irritable bowel syndrome(IBS).In fact, around 3 in 10 people with diverticular disease also have IBS. Your doctor will ask about your symptoms, diet and bowel movements and may refer you for further tests, eg:CT scan-where X-rays make a 3-dimensional image of your bowel. A CT scan can examine the wall of your large bowel for signs of infection; Barium enema-a liquid with a small amount of barium is passed into your back passage and your large bowel. The barium reveals inflamed areas of your bowel and any diverticula in x-rays; a colonoscopy-your doctor views the inside of your bowel using a thin, flexible tube inserted through your back passage and into your bowel, sending pictures to a monitor.

Attribution: BUPA

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