Syphilis can kill but early symptoms can be so mild you may not notice. The only way to know is to have a blood test at a health centre. Signs develop in 3stages-if you get any signs go to a clinic immediately. STAGE 1: within 3 months of infection a painless sore appears where infection entered the body-usually genitals/mouth. It may not be noticed and will go in a few weeks. Glands in armpits/neck/groin may swell. STAGE 2: within 6 weeks of the sore disappearing you may get a non-itchy rash-usually on palms of hands/feet and tiredness, headaches, swollen glands, fever. These signs may come and go and even disappear. STAGE 3: can begin years later and can be stroke, heart disease, paralysis, going blind/deaf.

Attribution: Straight Talk Foundation & Marie Stopes

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