Burns - What to do

1. For all burns, attempt to stop the burning but ensure your safety first.
2. Stop flames by covering the child with a blanket or advising them to stop, drop and roll.
3. Cool a burn by dipping it in cold water and avoid using ice. Do not cool a burn for longer than 30 minutes.
4. For chemical burns, check the manufacturer's instructions or call the nearest health provider as you organize to take the child to the nearest health facility.
5. Remove any clothing from the burned area. If clothing is stuck to the skin, do not try to remove it, instead seek emergency medical care.
6. Wash the burned skin gently with cool tap water. Avoid immersion in ice baths. Skin cleansers and disinfectant are not necessary.
7. Cover the burn with a clean, dry cloth to reduce the risk of infection.
8. Do not put any medicine or anything else on the burned area, to allow the health care provider to properly assess the burn.
8. Cool water will help relieve pain but additional painkillers such as paracetamol can be given.

Attribution: Avallain

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